


It takes a long time for an estate to settle, to mature and to reach its fullest splendour. Some say it takes a full century.

There are more than five hundred pairs of Golden Eagles in the skies above Gleneagles.

There are more than one hundred and twenty single malt whiskies in The Century Bar.

These facts indicate that life is as it should be.

Although the wolf disappeared from Scotland in the seventeenth century sightings continued, according to local myth, into and beyond, the nineteenth century.

The animal is still a spirit-presence in the legends and stories of Scotland.

Gleneagles has great reverence for the ceremonies and rituals of sophisticated elegance.

A drink is still something worth dressing for and dinner still requires a code of occasion.

Voltaire declared, “We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation.”

To ride a green bicycle around the estate, breath spuming in the cold, thin clean air is to view luxury from the other side of a field.

The manager of The American Bar is from Bologna. She has travelled a lifetime to understand the alchemy of composing a drink in a small, exquisite glass. The least you can do is dress with some conviction.

Graham Erickson is a freelance editor and writer living in London.

The charm of discretion: Sam Wood is the first point of welcome at David Collins Studio. He was a natural choice to front The Studio. His previous role at Chiltern Firehouse honed his instinct for easy engagement. Then, one day, we saw his open sketch book on his desk. We instantly fell for the easy joy of his coloured pencil sketches, which are as free-flowing as his demeanour and as technically eloquent as he is.